Well, I was included.
And now I'm glad I was.
We met at our church at 3pm to practice. At 4pm we were to go together to the place, wherever it was, and set up to be ready for the party (bride and groom). Then Olyessa (pastor Peter's daughter) happened to mention that we'd be outside- it looked like rain, the wind was picking up and Trac and I agreed that we needed to go home for jackets! What a palava. I had no idea what was going to happen.
At this point we were getting late, so Trac and Bec took a taxi home and back to the wedding and I went there in the van with all the other musicians.
We headed into the are of the wedding- it was in one of areas of housing in the city that are unsealed- making everything on the road and open to the air, dirty. We drove into - the backyard of the bride's father's house! Which had a big under cover area, like a big kind of patio, with canvas sheets around the poles to create walls (great windbreaks!) Long trestle tables were set up, the rough wood covered in brown paper, groaning under the load of food and drinks (no alcohol though- this was a thoroughly Christian wedding! The bride's grandfather is Sakhalin's oldest pastor). There was a bridal table decked in white, with balloons and streamers and the word 'love' decorating the canvas wall behind it. The other walls had hand-painted posters of love, happiness and wise sayings. And along one side was a raised platform, with speakers, keyboards, guitars, a sound desk and microphones aplenty.
The evening was filled with songs, puppet plays, skits, games (where the groom, Slava, had to find his new wife from among a group of women, while blindfolded. Or where the mothers of bride and groom had to guess their son or daughter's voice from a group of voices.) Ira and Slava even sang a couple of songs together! And you know what? No one really cared too much. Some people wore jeans. A couple of singers were a bit off, I know one of our songs plummeted to death, but it didn't matter. We were there, contributing, feasting, talking, laughing, rejoicing.
Slava and Ira, overlooking our trestle table
At church on Sunday morning, I looked around, and recognised so many people who were at the wedding last night. I'd never met them before.
Worst things? It was jolly cold, and because I didn't actually know the new couple I didn't want to take photos.
Best thing? I get to do this again next month, when Ira's sister Tatiana gets married!!
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