Saturday, October 28, 2006

Red Dirt Country

Caleb had teaching prac for 2 weeks in Kalgoorlie- in the Year 3/4 class at Kalgoorlie North Primary School. He stayed with our friends Warren and Di. I caught the train up on Wednesday to join in the fun, and drove back with Caleb on Saturday. For 9 hours.

Kalgoorlie is a town north-east of Perth, and grew from a mining boom led by the gold rush in the late 1800s. It is still going strong in the mining department- as well as gold they mine nickel, copper and of course, iron ore among other minerals.

The super-pit is a must-see when stopping in Kalgoorlie. If the wind conditions are right and you're in good time, you might catch a blast- but if not, there's always plenty of things to marvel at from the viewing platform. See those little dinky dump trunks down there? One of their wheels is 3 times my height.

Di showed me around town yesterday.

The view of Kalgoorlie from Mt Charlotte. As always, there are two sides.

Kalgoorlie is the most highly vegetated arid region in the world. People from other arid areas come to learn about the hardy vegetation and trees. It's a naturalist's wonderland.

And place of tragic history. "Our beloved brother, lost to an accident in --- mine"

My favourite inscription: "Awaiting the resurrection"

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm a first aid-er!

I've got my St John's senior first aid certificate!!

After 2 days in a classroom, desperately trying to revive poor Annie and bandaging people's arms, hands, legs, heads...
I'm officially trained to save anyone's life at a first-aid level!

As the trainer said,
"Now that you've done it, you won't ever need it!"

That's my hope, too.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Where in this sunny world is...

Sakhalin Island?

Here it is.
You can see the capital city marked.

Yuzhny is Russian for south.

Tracy SMSed me this morning- today was the first snow!


There’s a Korean barbeque restaurant in Subiaco called Arirang- it’s won plenty of awards and deals in my favourite kind of food (yakiniku…) but that’s not why I went there. Lisa used to work there.

I met Lisa just before we went to Japan together on the same program- along with Katy, Christine, Bron and Claire- Lisa and Cheryl couldn’t be with us but it felt like they were! I think it felt weird to all of us to be meeting in Perth, not in Japan- but it was a great de-brief! I recommend Arirang to all non-vegetarians ;-)

(the picture’s for you, Lisa!)

To my friends in Japan






今から私のあたらしいロシアせいかつのじゅんびがはじまります。ロシア語をはなすことはむずかしい!!もう一回、がんばります! 今はビザがないので、チケットももっていない。。。でもぜったいに11月13日にしゅっぱつするつもりです!もう4しゅうめをきりました。

サハリンについてはなしたいとおもいます。 ハリソンー家は1年半前からサハリンに住んでいます。私は、サハリンについたらかれらといっしょに住み、いっしょにはたらきたいとおもっています。そして、そこで16~22才くらいの両親のない子どもたちのおてつだいをします。とても楽しみです!

さいきん、Roma (ロマ)と言う子が、大学に入りました!それは、すこしめずらしいことで、Romaはとてもきんちょうしています。かれは20才のおとこのこで、工学をべんきょうしたいとおもっています。かれもハリソンー家といっしょに住んでいます。Katya (カーティア)と言う女の子(18才)もいっしょに住んでいて、しょうらいは‘つうやく’になりたいと思っています。

ハリソンー家はPeter (ピータ)とTracy(トレイシー)(33才くらい)、 Luke(ルーク)、 Jacob(ジェイコブ) Rebecca(レベッカ)の3人の子どものいる5人かぞくです。これが私のあたらしいかぞくです!

本当のかぞくも元気です。カーレブは ほいくえんから中学校のせんせいになるためべんきょうにはげんでいます。私はかれをほこりにおもっています。
母も元気しています。まだびょういんではたらいています。それと、1週間で、1かいChristian Bookstoreのvolunteer workしています。
父はけっこいそがしい。 今も二つのホームではたらいています。 フェリスがいないときに、かぞくはもちろんさびしいけど、フェリスがサハリンに行くことで、かぞくはうれしいと思っています。かぞくはサハリンに来るのがきぼうです。


私はあたらしいblog siteをはじめました。ためしにしゃしんとnews入れています。もしよかったら、フェリスのsiteに来てください!






Sunday, October 15, 2006


Rika, thanks for helping me write a letter in Japanese last week!

I had a great time with you guys-

This is Elijah, Trinity and Rika. We spent a couple of days together...

Trinity's pretty scary.


Busselton- on a Friday afternoon. After a lazy game of golf. Lounging on a park bench in the warm sun.

My first-ever game of golf was much better than I'd expected- my score was under 100!! My friends were very generous - they had a lot of fun ;-)
We all did.