Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wintery summer days

For those of you in Australia, I'm enjoying the winter along with you. Soon it'll be autumn, and then a winter all of Sakhalin's own.
Apparently it's not a normal Sakhalin summer- thank God, because it truly is not preparing anyone's spirits for the 6 months of white frozenness ahead. I'm glad it's not always like this.

The wedding is on Saturday! A young couple from our church are getting married and they're having a service in our church, as well as the official registration ceremony that many Russian couples leave it at. We (the music team) are practicing unceasingly, and so far the hard work is showing itself off.

But for some reason, everything wants to happen this week. There is a concert Ryan is playing in on Friday (that's tomorrow) and Saturday night, 3 different groups of people we HAVE to invite for dinner this week before their birthdays/ weddings/ going home to the mainland, the wedding on Saturday, and I'm feeding my friend's bulimic cats for the next three days while he's in Seoul.

Today Pete, Luke, Jake and Sasha have gone to the stables- our friend keeps her horses there, and knows the owner very well. He's building new stables this year, and the boys have gone to help him. They might be busy for the next couple of weeks! A good way to end the summer holidays.

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