Peter and the boys, Luke and Jake, got home from camp yesterday.
Exhausted, hungry and sick of being wet, they had a great time! All said and done.
When Trac and I sat down with Pete late last night to tell him all that had happened in the two weeks he'd been away, we realised just how MUCH had happened! Some suspicious incidences involving strange men just walking into our house (repeated again this morning)- I mean we do have a door to knock on!
The whole hospital thing with Roma; the boys getting work; the Russian wedding we attended; our washing machine flooded our house so on the next sunny day we had to lift the big carpet in the lounge, take it outside, wash it and dry it and then replace it; and we had 3 members of a Belarussian rock band stay with us on Monday and Tuesday!
There's a Christian music festival in town this weekend- about 4 groups from Belarus came to Sakhalin, and the Med City Band which I don't know a lot about, but I think hail from New York. Throughout this week they've been circuiting around the island, playing small concerts at camps, a prison, ...they're the only places I heard about.
The guys that stayed with us are Ruslan, Nik and Max from Antivirus. They're great guys- thankfully Ruslan speaks English fluently, so we could ask a lot of questions ;-)
Russian is spoken in Belarus, but Belarus is much more European than Russia. The similarities and differences (from what we could gather in a couple of hours) are fascinating. I'd love to visit Minsk some day!

They (all the bands) are playing tomorrow night at Grace Church, then the big concert is at 3pm on Sunday afternoon, in the soccer stadium in the park.
I hope this is the first of many events to come!!