Party it was for May 23rd- we'd planned and invited and it finally came together- with 30 or more guests we had a full house, and plenty of new introductions. But it was good to have everyone together. Next time we might have less people at once... 
Masha, me getting older and Ira- both Masha and Ira have interpreted for us at different times, and are good friends.

Trac, Felicity, Lena and Ira

I said goodbye to Jenya and Anton before they headed out after the party.

Ryan found his favourite corner of the room and stayed there!

Trac cooked for two days straight, making everything but the cake!! Thanks for such a great party Trac.

Scott Elders, group photographer and former resident of Clifton Park- 10 mins drive away from my home in Australind!

I can't deny it any more- I'm a quarter of a century, and there is no turning back. :-(
Best to go through it with a bang!
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