Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm still all alone

And I don't know what's going on!

I'm here in Sapporo, having a reasonably good time, I must say- meeting new people and staying with new friends.

But I want to share my frustration with you!!

I haven't heard from Pete and Trac- I don't know if Trac could get a re-entry permit or if she can come to Japan at all. Or when. I don't know if they've received my letter of invitation yet. So I can't even begin to apply for my new visa.

And I haven't heard from Dell Japan, who should be contacting me regarding Pete's laptop service...

It's so annoying!! I enjoy my own company but 5 days is, hello- enough!

:-(  *sniff sniff

Ok, that's my pity party for the day.
Hope you're having a good one!

1 comment:

Dell Customer Advocate said...

I wanted to check with you to see if you ever heard back from tech support on your friends Dell computer. If not I can get you in contact with someone that should be able to help.
