Friday, November 10, 2006

A detailed account of the last few days

Updating you on my visa situation:
November 9, 2006: 23:00 hours

I had no idea it was going to be this complicated.

I want to start with a THANK YOU for everyone who prayed that my visa will be issued and that the details will progress smoothly.

I can’t go into the fine details of the last week, and point out the incredible “God-incidences” that have kept me in the right place at the right time. I can’t introduce you to the many service people who have had a smile and helpful, detailed information for me. I can only tell you that God has watched over my every step of this organizational storm! Here is the current situation:

At the Russian Embassy in Canberra there is, or very soon will be my passport, visa application forms and applicable documents. I had sent them by overnight express post but unfortunately there was a “problem” and they weren’t delivered today. So tomorrow.

At the Embassy there’s also about 5 pages sitting in the fax machine, with my letter of invitation which Tracy procured today, a copy of my flight itinerary and a letter of… explanation.

I’m concerned that the man at the embassy won’t issue me a visa because my flight is not a return flight: I have no proof that I’ll leave the country. I can quickly book a flight to Japan or Korea through my travel agent, but that will take precious time tomorrow and we are dealing with a 3 hour time difference! * the visa section of the consulate closes at 12:30pm*

There’s a fee for processing visas, and to process a visa in one day requires more money. The Embassy is rather… inflexible… about the method of payment. I found that I could send an electronic money order to a nearby post office. But getting it from the PO to the Embassy? That was my problem.

I called Frank. He suggested Dave. Dave talked to Eric. (Dave and Eric are pastors at my church; Frank is the missions coordinator) They contacted Ps John Macknamara in Canberra. So, at 9am Friday morning, Ps Macknamara will go to the PO, pick up my processing fee, and take it to the Embassy for me. Who would have thought!?

Finally, I’ve arranged for a courier to collect my passport (with the visa!) between 12:30 and 2:30pm. They will fly it to Perth on the next available flight and will deliver it to my grandparents in Perth by midnight Friday night. Is this not the fullness of time?

Many people, including my travel agent, gently suggested the more obvious option of flying out on Monday or Tuesday, rather than Sunday. It is the logical choice. It would cut out a lot of the stress. But I recognize this level of difficulty now- it’s a challenge, or a test to deter me, and it’s the Harrison’s common experience in Russia!

Last night (Wednesday night) I began to doubt my determination, wondering whether I was right to be so stubborn about leaving exactly as I’d planned. Then I read Luke 13:24. In my Bible it reads,
“Do all you can to go in by the narrow door! A lot of people will try to get in, but won’t be able to.”

So as far as I’m concerned, I’ll go on Sunday or I may not get in at all!!

* * * *

November 10th, Friday

It's 7:30 am and things are moving! Woohooo!!

At 6:20am I called Pastor John Macknamara- at that time he had picked up my money from the PO and was parked in front of the Embassy, trying to work out how to get in!
He called me back at 6:40am to let me know how it went. He had gone in and a lady met him and asked if he was Mr Macknamara (I had sent a fax late last night explaining my arrangements for the day! ) and he gave them the money, waited for a receipt and left.

At 6:50am the Embassy called me. The guy spoke with a strong Russian accent, very fast with all the sentences joined together. He said that he could only issue me a visa from November 13th- December 4th. Was that ok? And could I please arrange an earlier pick up because the visa will be ready in 20mins.

I did a victory dance, then called DHL and asked if they could move the pick up time ahead by 2 hours- it didn't seem to be a problem.
SO now I wait- I'm praying that DHL will pick it up about now, 7:30am, and get it to my grandparents' house in Perth by this afternoon/evening!!!

It is so amazing- I did all the preparation yesterday and today I was so worried that a link would drop out and ruin everything. But God is in control! The embassy don't even care that I have only a one way ticket to Russia!

* * *
November 10th, Friday, 22:15 hours

Poppy called me. DHL delivered my passport and visa to him 10 mins ago.
It's all over. Now I can relax


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