They are beautiful, and sometimes very clear.
Looking out of the window to see mountains in the distance further confirms the fairytale feeling I have about living here. When I'm in the forest, it's Narnia. When I see the mountains, it's Mordor.
Sasha, Jenya's brother, and Jenya
He didn’t want any other friends, just us and the boys who live here.
Sasha, jenya, Anton 2, Sasha, Anton 1
He turned 20. This year was the first time he’d celebrated his birthday on his birthday, and had a family celebration for it. Cake. Presents.
I wish I’d been able to get a better picture of his smile.
Jenya and Anton
It’s big. It is built in a U shape, and the back wing can be separated from the main hall area- perfect for live-in team members and family. We want it.
Here are some pictures. Becky and the others at the back of the building
Rome at the front of the house
the front gates to the courtyard
Behind the building- the windows could be our bedrooms
Rome and I in the courtyard
We’ve met with the owner, we’ve discussed it with our Russian and Australian pastors, we’re discussing it amongst ourselves, and … we’re waiting. For a miracle.
It’s changed my point of view completely- now I’m cheering when we have a blizzard and I’m so disappointed that the sun is warmer and staying longer every day… LoL
Roma has boots and he bought a board at the beginning of the season. I’d sometimes go outside with him and watch as he tried to board down the gentle incline at the top of our street.
Those days are far behind us. Since then he’s taken me, and Luke and Jake a couple of times too, to the slope in the park. It’s a short bus ride away, and we usually walk home. LOVE living next to a ski slope!!
At first
Then Ryan bought a new board and boots, so I used his extra pair…
He and Dina and I on the beginner's slope
Ryan, Felicity, Roma, Dina
Time out for Roma after tackling the big slope
But the real adventure was coming home. We’d caught a taxi up the slope, but Ryan knew of a track through the forest that we could board down to get back to the city.
The snow was more than knee deep, which was deeper still for petite Dina!! We slid down on our boards, crawled through unchartered snowfall on our hands and knees, and boarded as much as we could. Several hours later we arrived home, laughing, wet, and exhausted. Thanks for being so patient, boys!!
Ryan and Dina, at the top of the forest track
Finally, at the end of the season, I have bought my own boots.
I’m hoping I get a chance to use them before December!! LoL In any case next time I go snowboarding it will be so much better. Because my boots fit me really well. The board will have to wait for next season.
So Monday they took off- they hired a fully furnished flat about 10 minutes walk from our house!! It even has a Jacuzzi… and they’ve been there for the last two nights, enjoying having time to themselves, privacy, and a real bedroom to sleep in! (Usually they sleep on a divan in the lounge room).
House Bound
February so far has been very quiet. We’ve all been pretty much house-bound for the last two weeks with the flu and colds etc. Fortunately I didn’t suffer the flu (I did my time with it in December!) so for me the weather has been perfect for snowboarding, ice-skating and just getting outside in the crisp air for a bit. Now that it’s really quiet I do actually have time to study Russian, read some of my many books, write long emails and etc but with the quietness comes unmotivated lethargy to do anything but sleep!
And I don’t want to sleep because I’ll just lay there and think, and I’m sick of my own thoughts
Part of being house bound with 3 kids for two weeks I guess…
The kids go back to school on Monday. They’ve had almost two weeks off school for quarantine- excellent idea, this quarantine. Some of the unis have closed this week for the same reason. If a bad flu or sickness is going around the schools and colleges will just close!
Russian kids have heaps more opportunities to get of school than I ever did! Besides quarantine, our kids have enjoyed snow days (blizzards). I have yet to find what joys await us in the warmer months ;-)
Bec and Jake hamming it up in the girls' room